Welcome on Almina.lu ! Network for the Sharing of Alternative Informations in Luxembourg and Greater Region
You’ll find a wealth of information on sustainable development, personal development, well-being, organic living, ecology, the environment, spirituality, etc. with a calendar of events, conferences, courses, training courses, etc. taking place in Luxembourg and the surrounding area, a directory and lots of information for the fulfillment of us all.
Newsletter from March
The new website almina.lu!
The new website has just gone live! A big thank you to everyone who supported me!
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Crowdfunding campaign
Until now (starting 10.10.2023) your generosity permitted to collect 1.315 € for the new website almina.lu ! Thank you very much for that !
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Important informations for users!
Here’s some important information for the users of the website :
Adverts of the month:
Next events :

- fair / market
- repair cafe

- workshop
- course / training
DARE TO SAY NO – Embodied Boundaries for People who are too Nice

- show / concert
16. Konzert der Weltreligionen in Luxemburg