Learn about and experience your subtle energy body in a 4-hour Sunday afternoon workshop.
Suitable: For beginners as well as those familiar with the chakra system
In this workshop, we invite you to explore and experience your body’s subtle energy system – known as the chakra system and learn to work with it in practical and useful ways to empower and elevate the quality of your life experience as well as deepen your understanding of yourself.
Ancients knew so much about our inner workings and energetics.
From Inca and Maya to Hopi and Himalayan tantric and yog-vedantic traditions – all speak about the need to understand and master the expression of our life force energy in order to experience ultimate wellbeing and liberation.
Chakra system is a gateway to understanding and mastering our life force energy.
It is also a map that helps us to not only understand and navigate life more effectively, but consciously co-create our life experiences, as we choose it, from an empowered place. Otherwise we continue to run our lives on autopilot, from the subconscious experiences of our history and early life conditioning.
The great news is – this roadmap provides not only theoretical knowledge, but also accessible, practical ways to apply this understanding in our daily lives and spiritual practice.
LEARN about your Energy Anatomy, why it is just as important as our physiology, and how this knowledge can contribute to creating optimal health and well-being on all levels
GET TO KNOW the Chakra System and understand how it can support your journey of conscious evolution, wellbeing and personal development.
UNDERSTAND the characteristics, significance and role of the Seven Main Chakras in the quality of your physical, emotional and spiritual health. LEARN how to work with the chakra system in practical, effective and empowering ways.
EXPERIENCE 2 Yoga Journeys
● One at the start of the workshop – a chakra balancing Yoga Asana practice guided by Elisa, to ground and arrive into our space
● One at the end of the workshop – a chakra clearing, balancing and activating meditation to tune all seven chakras to their highest expression with Ieva Luna
Sunday 28th of April
from 14 to 18
Senningerberg (the address will be communicated after registration)
95 € for one person
If you come with a friend, for each of you the price is 79€.
In this case, we suggest you to make your payment via Payconiq or bank transfer, indicating the name of your friend / family member.
Make your payment using the button below – Paypal
You can also use Payconiq (+352 691108038) or a bank transfer to this BIL bank account:
Elisa Dolci – LU770029410121290300