The new website has just gone live! A big thank you to everyone who supported me!

That’s it! The new website is online!
Thank you to everyone who supported me, especially through the crowdfunding campaign. It’s thanks to you that I’ve been able to carry out this work.
I hope you like the site. Don’t hesitate to send me your comments, suggestions and proposals for improvements …. by writing to me at .
The site is now in WordPress and has a new, more modern style. It’s better adapted to smartphones, more user-friendly and easier to use (I hope 😉 , Luxembourgish has been added to the 3 existing languages, all the entries in the directory have been reviewed and updated, …
The site will of course continue to evolve over time, in response to your requests. Some parts of the old site have not been taken over, such as the “classified ads” section and the “home page”, as they were little used. If there are parts of the old version that you’re missing, don’t hesitate to let me know. I will then consider adding them.
Here’s some important information:
- User accounts have not been transferred from the old site. To log in, you need to create a new account on this site.
- If there are entries belonging to you that you wish to modify on this site, first create a new account on this site, then contact me by email at with your new username or email address and the title of the entries you wish to modify. I will then give you access to these entries.
- If you had an entry on the old site that you can’t find on the new site, it’s because the entry was out of date and/or you hadn’t replied to the email I sent you about it. You can contact me to find out more and possibly repatriate this entry. You can also simply recreate a new, updated entry.
- If you have made a financial contribution to, you can appear in the list of contributors and, depending on the amount of your contribution, you can make an “announcement of the month” on the home page of the site. I’ve sent you an email on this subject (if you haven’t received it, please contact me by email at ).