Until now (starting 10.10.2023) your generosity permitted to collect 1.315 € for the new website almina.lu ! Thank you very much for that !
Your support has enabled us to redesign the almina.lu website and make it durable! The new site has been online since March 2024.
Thank you very much for your help !
If you have made a financial contribution to almina.lu, you can appear in the list of contributors and, depending on the amount of your contribution, you can make an “announcement of the month” on the home page of the site. I’ve sent you an email on this subject (if you haven’t received it, please contact me by email at ).
You can still participate or continue supporting me !
I’ve launched in Oktobe 2023 a crowdfunding campaign for almina.lu to enable me to redesign the almina.lu website, modernise it, update the content, add Luxembourgish as a language, etc. and thus continue (the site was created in 2011 ! ) to allow everyone to add content for free and access alternative events and news on the site for free. The objective is to reach 2000€ for the new website almina.lu.
Find out more and/or help finance the project on the crowdfunding platform tipeee.com. You can also participate or continue supporting me by doing your contribution by bank transfer, Payconiq, credit card or Paypal.
Many thanks for your help! Mireille