Caroline Dekeyser – Biodanza-Tantra
Se découvrir par biodanza-tantra
Qu’est-ce que la Biodanza – Tantra?
La Biodanza stimule l’ouverture du cœur, le plaisir et l’unité dans le corps. Biodanza stimule la vitalité, la sensualité, la créativité, l’amour et la transcendance.
Le tantra favorise l’acceptation de tout de soi, ici et maintenant, avec compassion, amour et conscience. Le tantra est, entre autres, la libération et la transformation, l’expansion de l’énergie sexuelle en énergie d’amour et en énergie spirituelle, en conscience et en extasee. C’est un moyen de devenir libre et heureux, un chemin de découverte de soi.
Le but de Biodanza – Tantra est d’atteindre un autre niveau de conscience et de sortir des schémas de réaction qui nous maintiennent dans les basses fréquences ou les basses vibrations.
Biodanza-Tantra envisage un programme pour devenir son propre maître, c’est-à-dire 3 niveaux: émotions, pensées, biochimie du corps (hormones) pour le plus grand bien de soi et de ceux qui nous entourent. Si nous ne sommes pas conscients et vigilants, ces 3 niveaux peuvent nous faire penser, ressentir et agir dans une spirale descendante.
Les avantages de la Biodanza-Tantra?
activation, alignement et harmonisation de vos centres énergétiques (chakras),
relaxation, bien-être physique, amélioration de votre santé, augmentation de votre énergie, harmonisation de la biochimie du corps,
accueil et transmutation des émotions négatives telles que la peur, la tristesse, la colère, le ressentiment, le regret,
l’amour, l’intuition, la paix et le bonheur dans votre vie quotidienne,
joie, gratitude, bonheur, plénitude, extase,
ouverture à la collaboration et à l’aventure,
élévation et expansion de la conscience.
What is Biodanza – Tantra?
Biodanza stimulates the opening of the heart, pleasure, and unity in the body. It stimulates vitality, sensuality, creativity, love and transcendence.
Tantra favors to accept all of oneself, here and now, with compassion, love and consciousness. Tantra is, among other things, the liberation and transformation, expansion of sexual energy into love energy and ecstatic spiritual energy. It’s a way to become free and happy, a path of discovery of oneself.
The purpose of Biodanza – Tantra is to reach another level of consciousness and to get out of reaction patterns that keep us in low frequency or low vibration.
Biodanza-Tantra envisages a program to become one’s own master, that is to say 3 levels: emotions, thoughts, body biochemistry (hormones) for the greater good of oneself and everyone around us. If we are not aware and vigilant, these 3 levels, can make us think, feel and act in a downward spiral.
The benefits of Biodanza-Tantra?
activation, alignment and harmonisation of your energy centers (chakras),
relaxation, physical well-being, improving your health, increasing your energy, harmonising body biochemistry,
welcoming and transmuting negative emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, resentment, regret,
love, intuition, peace, and bliss in your daily life,
joy, gratitude, happiness, fullness, ecstasy,
openness to collaboration, and adventure,
elevation and expansion of consciousness.
Caroline Dekeyser – Biodanza-Tantra
What is Biodanza – Tantra?
Biodanza stimulates the opening of the heart, pleasure, and unity in the body. It stimulates vitality, sensuality, creativity, love and transcendence.
Tantra favors to accept all of oneself, here and now, with compassion, love and consciousness. Tantra is, among other things, the liberation and transformation, expansion of sexual energy into love energy and ecstatic spiritual energy. It’s a way to become free and happy, a path of discovery of oneself.
The purpose of Biodanza – Tantra is to reach another level of consciousness and to get out of reaction patterns that keep us in low frequency or low vibration.
Biodanza-Tantra envisages a program to become one’s own master, that is to say 3 levels: emotions, thoughts, body biochemistry (hormones) for the greater good of oneself and everyone around us. If we are not aware and vigilant, these 3 levels, can make us think, feel and act in a downward spiral.
The benefits of Biodanza-Tantra?
activation, alignment and harmonisation of your energy centers (chakras),
relaxation, physical well-being, improving your health, increasing your energy, harmonising body biochemistry,
welcoming and transmuting negative emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, resentment, regret,
love, intuition, peace, and bliss in your daily life,
joy, gratitude, happiness, fullness, ecstasy,
openness to collaboration, and adventure,
elevation and expansion of consciousness.
Caroline Dekeyser – Biodanza-Tantra
What is Biodanza – Tantra?
Biodanza stimulates the opening of the heart, pleasure, and unity in the body. It stimulates vitality, sensuality, creativity, love and transcendence.
Tantra favors to accept all of oneself, here and now, with compassion, love and consciousness. Tantra is, among other things, the liberation and transformation, expansion of sexual energy into love energy and ecstatic spiritual energy. It’s a way to become free and happy, a path of discovery of oneself.
The purpose of Biodanza – Tantra is to reach another level of consciousness and to get out of reaction patterns that keep us in low frequency or low vibration.
Biodanza-Tantra envisages a program to become one’s own master, that is to say 3 levels: emotions, thoughts, body biochemistry (hormones) for the greater good of oneself and everyone around us. If we are not aware and vigilant, these 3 levels, can make us think, feel and act in a downward spiral.
The benefits of Biodanza-Tantra?
activation, alignment and harmonisation of your energy centers (chakras),
relaxation, physical well-being, improving your health, increasing your energy, harmonising body biochemistry,
welcoming and transmuting negative emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, resentment, regret,
love, intuition, peace, and bliss in your daily life,
joy, gratitude, happiness, fullness, ecstasy,
openness to collaboration, and adventure,
elevation and expansion of consciousness.
Caroline Dekeyser – Biodanza-Tantra
What is Biodanza – Tantra?
Biodanza stimulates the opening of the heart, pleasure, and unity in the body. It stimulates vitality, sensuality, creativity, love and transcendence.
Tantra favors to accept all of oneself, here and now, with compassion, love and consciousness. Tantra is, among other things, the liberation and transformation, expansion of sexual energy into love energy and ecstatic spiritual energy. It’s a way to become free and happy, a path of discovery of oneself.
The purpose of Biodanza – Tantra is to reach another level of consciousness and to get out of reaction patterns that keep us in low frequency or low vibration.
Biodanza-Tantra envisages a program to become one’s own master, that is to say 3 levels: emotions, thoughts, body biochemistry (hormones) for the greater good of oneself and everyone around us. If we are not aware and vigilant, these 3 levels, can make us think, feel and act in a downward spiral.
The benefits of Biodanza-Tantra?
activation, alignment and harmonisation of your energy centers (chakras),
relaxation, physical well-being, improving your health, increasing your energy, harmonising body biochemistry,
welcoming and transmuting negative emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, resentment, regret,
love, intuition, peace, and bliss in your daily life,
joy, gratitude, happiness, fullness, ecstasy,
openness to collaboration, and adventure,
elevation and expansion of consciousness.
Caroline Dekeyser – Biodanza-Tantra
Qu’est-ce que la Biodanza – Tantra?
La Biodanza stimule l’ouverture du cœur, le plaisir et l’unité dans le corps. Biodanza stimule la vitalité, la sensualité, la créativité, l’amour et la transcendance.
Le tantra favorise l’acceptation de tout de soi, ici et maintenant, avec compassion, amour et conscience. Le tantra est, entre autres, la libération et la transformation, l’expansion de l’énergie sexuelle en énergie d’amour et en énergie spirituelle, en conscience et en extasee. C’est un moyen de devenir libre et heureux, un chemin de découverte de soi.
Le but de Biodanza – Tantra est d’atteindre un autre niveau de conscience et de sortir des schémas de réaction qui nous maintiennent dans les basses fréquences ou les basses vibrations.
Biodanza-Tantra envisage un programme pour devenir son propre maître, c’est-à-dire 3 niveaux: émotions, pensées, biochimie du corps (hormones) pour le plus grand bien de soi et de ceux qui nous entourent. Si nous ne sommes pas conscients et vigilants, ces 3 niveaux peuvent nous faire penser, ressentir et agir dans une spirale descendante.
Les avantages de la Biodanza-Tantra?
activation, alignement et harmonisation de vos centres énergétiques (chakras),
relaxation, bien-être physique, amélioration de votre santé, augmentation de votre énergie, harmonisation de la biochimie du corps,
accueil et transmutation des émotions négatives telles que la peur, la tristesse, la colère, le ressentiment, le regret,
l’amour, l’intuition, la paix et le bonheur dans votre vie quotidienne,
joie, gratitude, bonheur, plénitude, extase,
ouverture à la collaboration et à l’aventure,
élévation et expansion de la conscience.