Newsletter – n°153 – June 2024
Dear friends,
Here is the Newsletter of June with the calendar of fulfilling activities in Luxembourg and Greater Region.
I wish you a pleasant reading and I hope you make some wondeful discoveries!
Mireille Dondlinger (A website that fits your image – Logos – Flyers – Social Media) ( Mandala Creations for Harmony)
Quotes / texts to meditate
“Accepte ce qui est, laisse aller ce qui Ă©tait, et aie confiance en ce qui sera.”
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.“
Alan Watts
“Das Leben birgt viele Umwege in sich. Die Kunst besteht darin, dabei die Landschaft zu bewundern.“
ActualitĂ©s – etika lance « eticrowd »
etika lance « eticrowd » – la premiĂšre plateforme de crowdfunding au Luxembourg
JusquâĂ prĂ©sent, les projets sociaux et Ă©cologiques ou les petites crĂ©ations dâentreprises, certes innovantes mais dont le succĂšs est difficile Ă estimer, ont rencontrĂ© des difficultĂ©s Ă trouver un financement au Luxembourg.
La premiĂšre plateforme de crowdfunding au Luxembourg : « eticrowd » propose aux projets durables un financement participatif simple via des dons. « Les citoyens peuvent ainsi soutenir de maniĂšre ciblĂ©e et simple, avec un montant librement choisi, les projets qui leur tiennent Ă cĆur »
Video – Meditation for grounding
15-minute guided meditation for strength & grounding during difficult times.
It is a mindful practice that will help you recenter into your body and mind
Upcoming events
Network for the sharing of alternative Informations – Luxembourg and Greater Region